MCR Style Sheet
Music City Review Style Sheet
- Submit article to
- Submit the article in MS Word (for PCs) or RTF (for Macs)
- Include a title
- Generally, around 1000 words but can be shorter or longer depending on your subject
- Use single line spacing, times new roman, 12-point font
- Do not indent paragraphs
- The first paragraph should, almost always, include the who, what, where, and when. This paragraph will often culminate in a summary of the review to come (a kind of thesis), leading to a critical narrative of the piece. A creative writer will find a way to allow the reader to experience the concert through the writing.
The next few (3-4) paragraphs focus on the concert itself, creating a narrative of the most important or memorable moments (good or bad). The challenging aspects of the performance as seen in previous reviews should be addressed here. Here you are providing supporting evidence for your thesis.
The final paragraph should provide a conclusion that reflects both the introduction and interpretation given in the body of the paper. Be clear about whether or not you enjoyed the concert and restate why more concisely than above.
- When speaking about the performance, past tense is typical. When speaking about a specific work of art (and not the performance) present tense is expected.
- The use of first person is perfectly fine.
- Include references at the bottom of the page if citing other sources
- If you have an idea for a picture to go into your article, include the link in brackets where you think it should be inserted
- The review should include a concise summary of the content and a critical assessment of that content. As you are writing consider: what makes this production special or different? What did you enjoy about it? What could have been better? What did the audience respond to the most? How did different factors of the production (lighting, sound, stage decorations) affect the final product?
- We are known for in-depth coverage, so you are encouraged to delve into the history and background of the production you are covering.
- Any questions, email