New from the Frist
David C. Driskell & Friends: Creativity, Collaboration and Friendship

Most people, including the artists themselves, see visual arts as a solitary profession. Dancers move in companies or corps, musicians play in bands or orchestras, actors perform in ensembles or troupes. But painters, sculptors, and most photographers work alone. This is what makes the life and legacy of world-renowned artist David Driskell so unusual, and heartening. He worked with, consulted, mentored, and was mentored by scores of visual artists at all stages in his career, and theirs. Like Kamala Harris, Driskell earned his undergraduate degree at the famed historically black university (HBCU), Howard University. He then earned his MFA at Catholic University. Throughout his career, he paired academia and art, curating and collaborating. While teaching at Talladega College, Howard University, and and our own Fisk University (three other HBCUs), promoted the art of other artists as well as his own. He ended his teaching career at the University of Maryland, which has honored his heritage in 2021 with the David C. Driskell Center for the Study of the Visual Arts and Culture of African Americans and the African Diaspora. In his first solo project since taking on the role of Associate Curator at the Frist Museum, Fisk alumnus Michael J.Read More